
Taking a More Serious Look on Bitter Orange Extract

Perhaps one of the least-explored herbal remedies and treatments today is the bitter orange extract. However, this fluid that comes from a fruit of the Rutaceae family may just be the secret to maintaining good health and proper weight.

Where You Can Get It
Sometimes called Seville orange or marmalade orange, the bitter orange herb is a type of citrus plant and grows in different parts of the world, including Asia. It is called as such because of its very strong odor and quite bitter flavor. The secret actually lies on its peel or skin, which contains oil.


Colleen’s Dream helps TGen cancer research

Colleen’s Dream Foundation, a Scottsdale-based nonprofit, today announced a $30,000 grant to the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) to research new ways of treating ovarian cancer.

The grant will help fund research that builds on TGen’s discovery that mutations in a gene known as SMARCA4 drive a specific type of extremely aggressive ovarian cancer — Small Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type (SCCOHT) — which most often affects girls and young women.


Triptolide molecule can turn into cruise missile against cancer

More than 20 years ago, a billboard in China piqued the interest of a chemical biologist. It endorsed an extract from the plant known as the “thunder god vine” as an immunosuppressant. A brief review of published research revealed that the extract’s key ingredient — the small molecule triptolide — had been identified 20 years before that billboard ad, and it could stop cells from multiplying.


Taking a More Serious Look on Bitter Orange Extract

Perhaps one of the least-explored herbal remedies and treatments today is the bitter orange extract. However, this fluid that comes from a fruit of the Rutaceae family may just be the secret to maintaining good health and proper weight.

Where You Can Get It
Sometimes called Seville orange or marmalade orange, the bitter orange herb is a type of citrus plant and grows in different parts of the world, including Asia. It is called as such because of its very strong odor and quite bitter flavor. The secret actually lies on its peel or skin, which contains oil.


Colleen’s Dream helps TGen cancer research

Colleen’s Dream Foundation, a Scottsdale-based nonprofit, today announced a $30,000 grant to the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) to research new ways of treating ovarian cancer.

The grant will help fund research that builds on TGen’s discovery that mutations in a gene known as SMARCA4 drive a specific type of extremely aggressive ovarian cancer — Small Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type (SCCOHT) — which most often affects girls and young women.


Triptolide molecule can turn into cruise missile against cancer

More than 20 years ago, a billboard in China piqued the interest of a chemical biologist. It endorsed an extract from the plant known as the “thunder god vine” as an immunosuppressant. A brief review of published research revealed that the extract’s key ingredient — the small molecule triptolide — had been identified 20 years before that billboard ad, and it could stop cells from multiplying.


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